ࡱ> vyu Tbjbjss4V ;;cccwww8K4wOEF FYO[O[O[O[O[O[O$R8UJO-c'F'EE'F'FO;;-OGGG'F;cYOG'FYOGG:L,T M:W‡wFL EOO0OLRUGvU M MnUcyM'F'FG'F'F'F'F'FOOG'F'F'FO'F'F'F'FU'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F :  Employment Contract for the foreign specialist to perform duty as specialist This contract is done on (date) ...between University of Phayao by (name)........ position .. Acting as the President of University of Phayao and (name of the specialist)..... residing at (address)............................................................. who has been authorized to perform duties at University of Phayao. University of Phayao agrees to assign (name of the specialist).................................................... to perform duties in the specialist position in (name of department/school/college). of University of Phayao for the duration of ...........year(s) ..month(s) .day(s), starting to work from the date of.......which is the day I commence my task onward. I (name of the specialist), ................................................................have agreed to perform the afore mentioned tasks according to the duration set forth in the agreement on the following conditions: Conditions of Working 1. Fulfill the minimum teaching hour at least 15 hours per week following the order or the assignment set by the university 2. Sign in and sign out during weekdays 3. Join and assist the activities of the department, school and university when assigned or requested 4. Serve as a supervisor to professional training program or independent study assigned by the department 5. Provide 5 hours per week sitting in the office as office hours in order to give academic advice to the students 6. Provide academic and vocational lecture 7. Conduct the advance research - 2 - 8. Provide academic services to the community 9. Control and examine for the researches of the student which are a part of a study 10. Give advice for the research and curriculum development 11. Give the research advice to the teachers or lecturers in advance academic research 12. Be the thesis adviser or committee for the graduate students (if qualified) 13. Working full time with 5 working days per week 14. Performing other duties as assigned by the university Conditions of Salary 1. The specialist will get paid by the monthly salary of ..... baht (......). 2. The University will evaluate the specialist for the performance at least 1 time a year in June. The evaluation result will be a part of the consideration for employment extension and the yearly salary increment. 3. In case of working for more than one year, the yearly salary increment may be considered as mentioned in the salary scale of the specialist announced by University of Phayao for the next employment extension. However, the specialist had passed the performance evaluation. 4. University of Phayao will pay the salary on the last working day of every month. Conditions of Taking Leave of Absence 1. Comply with the regulation imposed by the regulation of University of Phayao. 2. Submit the leave of absence memorandum or letter to the University for the permission; approved by the Dean in case of staying in Thailand and by the President in case of going abroad 3. The permission for long leave during the semester or semester break must not be exceeding 30 days including Saturday, Sunday and public holiday. - 3 Conditions of Discipline and Disciplinary Measure Disciplines, disciplinary measure, appeal, complaint and any other similar action will be maintained conforming to the regulation imposed by the regulation of University of Phayao. Conditions of Termination of the Contract The contract will be terminated as follows; 1) The expiration of the contract 2) Death 3) The yearly working performance evaluation of the specialist does not pass the certain established criteria assessed by the evaluation committee. 4) Either party has agreed to terminate the contract by informing the counterpart three months prior to the date of the contract's termination. 5) University of Phayao can terminate the contract in the following conditions; 5.1) Physician assigned or authorized by University of Phayao diagnoses that the specialist has a health problem resulting in his/her working performance. 5.2) The specialist has improper behaviors conflicting with the professional ethics as set up by the university, and abandons his/ her duties with inappropriate reasons. 6) In case the contract is being terminated according to items 3), 4), and 5) the university will pay the specialist salary up to the terminated day of the contract. Conditions of Arbitration of Dispute 1. In case the problem arises from observing or applying the contract, the specialist may comply with the judgment of the committee of personnel management. 2. This contract is subject to the enforcement of the Thai laws. Any controversy, dispute or application arising from this contract must be brought up and judged by the law court which has authorized. - 4 - This contract is done in duplicate and both copies are equally authentic and legal. Both parties have read and comprehended all the terms mentioned in the contract. Therefore, the parties willingly together signed as an evidence.       .04-04-09 -2#A*!L *1  2@%5H ............./............. .................................... 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